Our fees are based upon the degree of skill and responsibility involved and the time necessarily spent on your affairs by our directors and other employees and/or agents. Our fees for professional services rendered and any additional costs and expenses for which we invoice separately, plus value-added tax (“VAT”) will be billed as agreed from time to time and are charged from the first consultation.
Unless otherwise agreed, our fees are quoted and charged based on time spent on an assignment and the hourly rates of individuals as follows:
Time spent on services by different levels of employees and/or agents is determined by the complexity and skill involved in delivering a premium service to you.
Includes preparation and submission on eFiling only. Any advice/sorting/calculations as part of the preparation and submission will be billed at our hourly rates indicated above.
Tax compliance rates indicated below exclude VAT.
Annual Tax Return: R1,500
Submit supporting documents: R850
Annual Tax Return: R2,250
First Provisional Tax Return: R850
Second Provisional Tax Return: R1,250
Top-up Provisional Tax Return: R850
Submit supporting documents: R850
Annual Tax Return: R3,500
First Provisional Tax Return: R850
Second Provisional Tax Return: R1,250
Top-up Provisional Tax Return: R850
Submit supporting documents: R850
Annual Tax Return: R6,500
First Provisional Tax Return: R850
Second Provisional Tax Return: R1,250
Top-up Provisional Tax Return: R850
Submit supporting documents: R850
SARS Call Centre after 21 business days: R850
Request for escalation after further 21 business days: R850
Formal complaint: R550
Referral to Tax ombud: Time-spent